Saturday, January 25, 2020
Graphical User Interface For The 3 Axis Cnc Milling Machine Computer Science Essay
Graphical User Interface For The 3 Axis Cnc Milling Machine Computer Science Essay This paper details the design and development of a Graphical User Interface for the 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine, which was designed in-house for testing and research purposes at the University of the South Pacific. The 3-axis CNC Milling Machine used COM Port terminal software, TeraTerm to communicate with the electronics hardware via RS232 link. The GUI was developed using Microsoft ® Visual Basic 2008 Integrated Development Environment. The end result is an interface that is user friendly and is capable of controlling various tasks of the Milling Machine. This paper aims to explain how simple components of Microsoft ® Visual Basic 2008 has been used to design a Windows ® based user interface which is capable of complete control of CNC milling machine. Keywords: GUI, Serial Port, CNC, G Codes, STEP NC 1. INTRODUCTION Over the years a number of methods have been developed to control machine tools. The most widespread used throughout the industry is the G Code language for NC machine tools programming. It is based on the data model stipulated by ISO6983, and has been used for over 50 years [1]. G codes, however, limits the usage of todays fast evolving high-performance hardware [2]. The latest development in NC machine tools programming is ISO 14649 or STEP NC. It is a new standard for data transferring between CAD/CAM systems and CNC machines. It remedies the shortcomings of ISO 6983 by specifying the machining processes rather than machine toolmotion by means of Workingstep, as the basic entity [1] Whichever method of programming NC machine tools is used, it is always important to verify the program before doing actual testing. Verification of NC part programs using a PC is inexpensive compared to testing on model parts. Cutting simulation as a means of testing and verifying NC cutting paths has become an important part of modern machining [3]. With the latest advancements in PC technology and 3D graphics it is much easier to simulate NC cutting paths. A common CNC executes G-code programs, which are generated as a result of planning and scheduling in CAM tools [4]. However an interface is required to send or execute NC part program to the CNC. The user interface is the communication Tool between the operator and the PC-based CNC drilling machine, via the computer screen [5]. The recent advancement in software development technology using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has made it possible to create simple user interface with a sound communication link to control NC machines. In 2002 [5], a GUI was developed at the University of the South Pacific for a PC-Based computer numeric control drilling machine. The platform for the graphical user interface (GUI) was written in Borlands new rapid application product, C++ Builder ®. Gordon and Hillery [6] developed a Windows ® based graphical user interface for their CNC cutting machine. The user interface communicated with the machine via RS232 serial link. The programming environment used was Borland C++ Builder 3, which allowed the visual development of the program interface. The user interface developed also had features for homing the three axes, editing of NC part program (G Codes) and also previewing the two dimensional cutter motion. This paper mainly focuses on the design of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the 3-Axis CNC milling machine. The user interface has been designed in Microsoft ® Visual Basic 2008 Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The features of the GUI are explained in detail. 2. OVERVIEW OF CNC MILLING MACHINE The CNC Milling Machine was designed in-house at the School of Engineering and Physics (SEP) at the University of the South Pacific (USP), for testing and research purposes. It uses an absolute three dimensional coordinate system to create its tool path. It sequentially passes instructions which are in the form of three dimensional coordinates to the Milling Machine for controlling the tool, similar to how G Codes are used. The operational framework of the CNC milling machine is shown in Figure 2.1. It consists of a dedicated PC running Graphical User Interface Software which is used to upload a text file containing X, Y and Z coordinates. It also has features to control the milling operations and to get a two dimensional cutter path preview. The software is linked to the electronics hardware via RS232 serial link. Figure 2.1 Operational framework of the CNC Milling Machine The current CNC Milling machine is only capable of linear interpolation (G01), in terms of G Codes, or moving linearly from one point in the three dimensional space to the next point. To mill different geometries other than straight lines the milling machine has to be given a number of coordinate points which can be used to approximate that particular geometry. For instance to mill a curve the milling machine needs to be given a set of points which lie on the curve. Similar method was used by Min-Yang Yang and Won-Pyo Hong [7] in their three dimensional linear interpolation algorithm. The CNC Milling Machine uses an absolute three dimensional coordinate system (X, Y, and Z) for its tool path generation. The three dimensional coordinates are defined in a text file. Each of the three coordinates has three characters in the text file for instance the X coordinate 0 is defined as 000 in the text file. The Basic Length Unit (BLU) is in millimeters. The electronics architecture of the CNC milling machine consisted of five PIC microcontrollers (PIC16F877) in a distributed architecture, with one master controller and several slave controllers. The master controller of the CNC Milling Machine consists of a PIC16F877 microcontroller which is responsible for coordinating and controlling the overall operations of the Machine. It is the central intelligence system of the CNC Milling Machine. It receives its commands from the user through a user interface and commands other co PIC16F877 Microcontrollers in a distributed architecture to carry out their respective tasks. The mechanical hardware consists of three stepper motors which drive the three axis of the CNC Milling Machine. It also has a 24V DC Motor which is the spindle motor. The worktable consists of clamps to clamp the workpiece firmly on the worktable. For feedback, the machine constitutes of limit switches which control the limit of the worktable. 3. USER INTERFACE Until recently, the CNC machine was using COM port terminal software, TeraTerm, to communicate with Master Controller via RS232 link. The GUI was designed to provide a user friendly interface instead of typing coordinates in TeraTerm. The GUI was designed using Microsoft ® Visual Basic 2008 and coded in BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). The overall design of the main form of the user interface is shown in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Main form of the GUI It was decided to incorporate the following features in the GUI Opening of text file which contains the coordinates. Previewing of coordinate file (or tool path) in two dimensional X and Y axis Communication with the CNC Machine via RS232 link Milling control features such as homing, manual jog etc Displaying coordinate file 3.1 File Input The GUI contains a MenuStrip at the top of the main form on which there are three menus, File, Setup and Help. The File menu contains an Open menu which opens a file browser window as shown in Figure 3.1.1. The software utilizes an OpenFileDialog control of Visual basic 2008 to prompt the user for the files path. It allowed the user to choose which text file to open in the program. The OpenFileDialog control contains the Filter property which was used to control the type of file to be opened in the program. The only extension allowed was the *.txt. The ShowDialog() method was used to display the Open Coordinate File dialog box on the screen. The FileName property was used to get the path specified by the user. The dialog box is shown in figure 3.1.1 Figure 3.1.1 Open Coordinate File dialog box After getting the path from the user, the program used a FileOpen() function to open the file specified by the user. The end of file function, EOF() was used to iterate through the file until the no more coordinates are left. The LineInput() function was used get a line of coordinates into a string variable. This string variable was then extracted to get the X, Y and Z coordinates in a separate array. The array containing the X, Y and Z coordinate was then used later to generate two dimensional previews and to send to the CNC milling machine. Finally the FileClose() function closes the text file. 3.2 Tool Path Preview The graphical user interface that is designed also contains a two dimensional preview feature which can be used to preview the path taken by the milling tool on the workpiece. The GUI uses the namespace to create tool path. The preview panel, as shown in figure 3.2.1, gives a two dimensional (X, Y) preview of the tool path which will be followed by the cutting tool. It is also to check and verify that the input text file does not contain errors. A Preview command button is used to generate preview. This is activated only when a valid coordinate file is loaded. The GUI utilizes system.drawing namespace which includes class to draw the preview. The DrawLines() method was used to draw a series of lines according to the X and Y coordinates in the coordinate file. Figure 3.2.1 Tool Path Preview control The use of three-dimensional absolute coordinate system has made the previewing algorithm much easier since the preview is two dimensional (X, Y), the program utilizes these X and the Y coordinates to draw a preview of the shape in the preview panel. Once the Preview command button is clicked, the btnPreview_Click event procedure gets the array containing the X and Y coordinates which was previously read from the text file. The procedure then used these coordinates as points to draw a series of lines using the DrawLines() method. Since absolute coordinates are used, the lines connect from the end point of the first X, Y coordinate to the start point of the next X, Y coordinate. In this way the path taken by the cutter is drawn by connecting the series of points. 3.3 Milling Controls The GUI on the main form contained a group box with a number of command buttons for commanding the milling machine. The Home command button was used to command the milling machine to rapidly move to its home position. Figure 3.3.1 Milling Control panel The advantage of using a software interface to control the CNC Milling Machine is that it acts like a control panel of the CNC which resides on the PC. Several command buttons have been used on the main form to command the CNC Milling Machine to carry out various tasks. The Home command button is used to command the CNC Milling Machine to move to its home position. The milling control also contains a command button Start to run or to send the coordinates to the milling machine to start milling. The flowchart in figure 3.3.2 shows this. Figure 3.3.2 Flowchart showing the start subroutine 4. COMMUNICATIONS The user interface for controlling the milling machine resides on a dedicated PC. Therefore there should be some means of communication between the software and the electronics hardware. A standard desktop personal computer consists of several communications ports. These include parallel port (LPT1), serial port (COM), PS/2 ports and Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports. Serial port communications has been used to with the electronics hardware. The Serial port or RS232 has several port settings that need to be set. The advantage of this obsolete technology is that it best suits the application we are designing, and the amount of data that needs to be sent to and from the milling machine. Figure 4.1 shows the dialog box that appears to the user when the user chooses Serial Port from the Setup Menu. On this dialogue box the user can choose the port settings. The reason for including this control is so that the application may work on different PCs. The default port setting is shown in figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Serial Port Configuration dialog box The communications via RS232 was made possible using the system.IO.ports namespace, and the SerialPort class of Visual Basic 2008. The SerialPort class consisted of properties/attributes, methods and events which was used in the communication algorithm. The ReadExisting() method was used to read data from the PCs serial port receive buffer (Rx). The Write() method was used to send string data to the electronics of the CNC Milling Machine. The flowchart in figure 4.2 demonstrates how the communication to the milling machine is made when the user clicks ok on the dialog box in figure 4.1. Figure 4.2 Flowchart showing the communication algorithm followed. 5. TESTING AND DEBUGGING One problem faced during the development and testing of the GUI was run time errors or exceptions. Runtime errors or exceptions occur as a result of normal operating conditions [8]. For example errors when the GUI is trying to open a COM port which is being used by another program. The problem was overcome using structured error handling or the Try†¦Catch code block in Visual Basic. The GUI used message boxes to display appropriate messages to the users when an exception occurred and allowed the program to continue. The preview part of the GUI was tested by opening a text file containing 165 X, Y, Z points. These points resembled a circle in two dimensional (X, Y) planes. The result is depicted in Figure 5.1 which shows the tool path generated on the preview panel. Figure 5.1 Tool Path preview showing the preview of a circle Furthermore, the same file was used to mill a circle on softwood with the following settings: Feedrate 75mm/min Spindle Speed 2500RPM Cutting Tool Diameter 5mm The result is shown in Figure 5.2. The result shows that the Graphical User Interface made no errors while sequentially sending coordinates to the milling machine. Figure 5.2 Output of the CNC Milling Machine 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Based on the result in the previous section of this paper, it can be concluded that the GUI design was successful. The GUI was able to communicate with the electronics hardware of the CNC Milling Machine using RS232 serial link. The preview algorithm of the program also worked well. Finally the GUI was able to sequentially send (X, Y, and Z) coordinates representing cutter path in three dimensional space, to the CNC Milling machine. However, a number of tasks can be carried out in the future to improve the performance of the GUI and to enhance the output of the CNC Milling Machine. One such include the implementation of the industry standard G Codes which is based on ISO6983 data model, instead of X, Y, Z coordinate file. The G Code programming is a standardized way of controlling cutter motion. The CNC milling machine is capable of moving in steps as small as 1 tenth of a millimeter. Thus it is also recommended to improve the GUI so that it can cater for coordinates with one decimal point. The output of the CNC milling machine will improve drastically by having coordinates in mm to one decimal point. Another improvement that can be implemented on the GUI is using an abort button to cancel or abort the operations of the CNC Milling Machine. This is a standard safety feature which exists on most industrial machines including CNC machines.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Older American Act 1965 Health And Social Care Essay
AbstractionIn 1965, Congress created the Older American Act, a federal and province bureau to turn to the societal service demands of the older grownup population. The end of the Older American Act is to assist the older population maintain independency in their places and their communities. The ripening services web refers to the bureaus, plans, and activities that are involved with the Older American Act. As the figure of older grownups addition, the demand for services is expected to lift. Along with the rise of demands there will necessitate to a degree of consciousness. In carry throughing its end, the Department of Aging responds to the demands of societies deriving population through a assortment of services. The Older American Act was enacted in 1965 with the intent of giving older American increased chances for take parting in society. The Older American Act specifies that all older individuals are eligible for services irrespective of income. An older individual is defined as an person who is age 60 and over, with penchant to those with the greatest economic demand but besides particular attending is given to low income minorities and older grownups that live in the rural countries. People 65 and older represent a little more than 9 per centum of the state ‘s population when the Act was enacted. (, 2008 ) By 2006, the figure of aged reached 37.3 million people and 12.4 per centum of the US population. By 2020, about one in six people will be the age 65 and older. Harmonizing to informations compiled by the provinces about 3 million people received services funded by the Act such as place delivered repasts, place attention, and instance direction on a regular footing. ( Le gislation and Budget, 2008 ) The Older American Act requires each province to depict within their twelvemonth programs on how they are traveling to transport out and give penchant to clients. Each of these demands is looked at when services are needed. Greatest economic demand mean the income is below or at the poorness threshold. Each twelvemonth the Department of Health and Human Services sets the poorness degrees. The poorness degrees for 2010 are presently at $ 10,830 for a one-man family and $ 14,750 for a two individual. (, 2008 ) Greatest societal demand mean the demand caused by non-economic factors which included physical and mental disablements, linguistic communication barriers, cultural, societal, or geographic isolation which would curtail the individual ‘s ability to execute normal undertaking or endanger the fact to populate independently.Food PlansHarmonizing to the Centers for Disease Control, the norm 75 twelvemonth old has three chronic conditions and uses five prescription drugs (, 2008 ) Nutrition and wellness can travel manus in manus. Bad eating wonts or deficiency of nutrient can take to hapless vitamin intake, weight issues, and overall emphasis. Based on the 2003 Food Security Supplement to the current population study conducted by the Bureau of Census, approximately 1.5 million families with older grownups reported that they did non hold plenty to eat. Lack of money was the primary ground. ( O'Shaughn, 2008 ) Older grownups populating in poorness were more likely to describe a hapless diet so older grownups populating above the poorness line. In many instances, older grownups are forced to take between purchasing nutrient and paying for medical specialty, public-service corporations, or other personal points. As portion of the Older American Act, the nutrient cast plan is available. The nutrient cast plan was designed to assist stop hungriness and better nutrition for low income. Food cast benefits are used to purchase any nutrient or nutrie nt merchandise for usage by people. For illustration, you could non purchase dog nutrient or lavatory paper with the nutrient casts. The nutrient cast plan is the largest service plan of the Older American Act about accounting for 40 per centum of the support. In 2006, approximately 2.6 million people received 238 million repasts ; 59 per centum of repasts were served to frail older people populating at place and 41 per centum serviced in congregate scenes. (, 2008 ) Congregate repast and nutrition sites are province and federally funded. Almost two-thirds of congregate receivers were age 75 and older and lived entirely. Over one quart had an income of $ 10,000 or less ; 58 per centum reported that the repast plan provided more than one-half of their day-to-day nutrient consumption. (, 2008 ) More than 6.5 million repasts are delivered to the homebound elderly five yearss a hebdomad. Food larders are besides available but are funded by province and community resource s. Senior Farmers Market Nutrition plan is federally funded and provides vouchers to low income seniors to buy fruit and veggies at local husbandmans markets. The trade good Supplement nutrient plan works to better the wellness of people at least 60 old ages of age by supplementing their diets with trade good nutrients. The federal authorities provides nutrient and fund to the provinces to supplement so diets. The nutrient bundles do non supply a complete diet but alternatively points that are typically missing with population. Food bundles include a assortment of nutrients such as non-fact dry and evaporate milk, juice, farina, oats, ready to ear cereal, rice, pasta, peanut butter, dry beans or peas, canned meat or domestic fowl, tuna and canned fruit and veggies. Merely fewer than 433,000 aged participated in the plan in 2007. ( O'Shaughn, 2008 ) States set up an income bound for the aged that is at or below 130 per centum of the federal poverty income guidelines. State may besides set up residence demands and they besides can necessitate participants be nutritionary hazards, which can be determined by their physician or the bureau. Anot her federally funded nutrient plan is the exigency nutrient aid plan. The nutrient is available at local nutrient larders and the individual is provided with transcribed veggies and fruits, pasta, beans, and rice. For protein the bundle may include transcribed tuna, peanut butter and sometimes chicken. Since it is a addendum to other plans, the sums may change and typically, the nutrient that is provided should last 3-5 yearss.Medical ProgramsMedicare is a medical plan that is available to grownups that are having Social Security at age of 65 and older, having Social Security disablement after a 24 month delay and anyone with terminal phase nephritic failure. Medicare benefits consist of four parts. Medicare portion a helps cover inmate attention in infirmaries, skilled nursing installations, place wellness and hospice attention. It is free if you have worked and paid Social Security revenue enhancements for at least 10 old ages. If you have non worked to run into the lower limit so you would be required to pay a monthly premium. Medicare portion B helps cover physician ‘s services and outpatient infirmary attention. It besides covers some other medical services that portion a does non cover such as physical and occupational therapy, preventative attention, lasting medical equipment, research lab trials, X raies, mental wellness and some ambulance services. It besides covers the first three pints of blood if needed each twelvemonth. A few prescription drugs are covered under portion B. Examples of some that are covered are anti-cancer, dialysis drugs and doctor administered drugs that you usually would non bale able to take yourself at place. There is a monthly premium for portion B. Medicare prescription carpet coverage covers both trade name name and generic prescription drugs. Drug coverage provides protection for people who have really high drug costs. Part vitamin D is provided merely through private insurance companies that have contracts with the authorities. Everyone who had Medicare is eligible for coverage, irrespective of income, wellness, or disbursal. ( Werner, 2010 ) Medicare Preventive Benefits are used for testing and early sensing. Medicare covers the initial physical test, cardiovascular showings, mammograms, pablum trials, and pelvic test. This coverage is normally received from a private wellness insurance company such as HMO and PPO. Medicare private wellness programs must offer at least the same benefits as non-private wellness insurance companies. They are non required, nevertheless, to hold the same regulations, costs, and coverage limitations as Medicare provides. Medicaid is a federal and province plan that covers medical attention for older grownups with low incomes. Each province runs different Medicare plans for different groups of people. However, each has the same things in common. Each sate covered older people, people with disablements, and people who are blind. Each province does hold different eligibility degrees. All provinces have plans to supply place and community based attention with limited incomes that are in demand of these services. Each province must besides cover place wellness attention for those with limited incomes. You can hold both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid can cover services that Medicare does non. Medicaid can besides assist cover the out of pocket costs such as deductibles and copayments. Home Health Care services are prescribed by a doctor for a individual who is at hazard of hospitalization or following a hospital stay. These services can include nursing services, physical therapy. Occupational therapy, address therapy, and services provided by a place wellness adjutant. About one out of four families is involved in supplying aid to older household members and other older grownups. About one-half of household health professionals are employed full clip and about two tierces are employed either full clip or portion clip. ( Legislation and Budget, 2008 ) The bulk of health professionals provide unpaid aid for one to four old ages and 20 per centum provided attention for five old ages or more. (, 2008 ) About 7 million health professionals provide informal attention to older people in demand of aid. Home attention can include supportive and personal attention. Supportive attention includes ; place services such as cleansing, wash, cookery, and personal errands. Personal attention includes bathing, nail film editing, medicine, training, and if needed lesion attention. Each province is required to put aside financess to cover these services. Nationally the figure is little with about 300,000 people having attention in 2006. Harmonizing to 2004 informations, about two tierces of receivers who receive the place services lived entirely and were over 75 old ages old, with over four fifths with an income under $ 15,000. (, 2008 ) In the 2006, approximately 44 million dollars were set aside for place attention services. Older American Act services may be provided without the income and plus limitations that are under Medicaid. ( Werner, 2010 ) An of import portion of be aftering for long term attention is understanding how to pay for services. Long-term attention is really expensive and Medicare coverage will non pay for most of the long-run attention services that are needed. One twelvemonth in a nursing place, based on a 2008 national norm, costs over $ 68,000 for a semi private room. ( Illinois Department of Aging, 2009 ) One twelvemonth of attention at place, with the aid of a personal supportive attention worker three times a hebdomad, would be about $ 18,000 a twelvemonth. ( Werner, 2010 ) Costss for long-run attention services can be dependance on the type and sum of services that the client would necessitate. For illustration, nursing places around my country, charge supernumerary for services provide beyond basic room and board charge, which include hair assignments, therapy and activities outside the installation. Medicare merely pays for long term attention if you require skilled services or are recovering from a process and merely necessitate the services for a short clip.Other plans availableThe senior community service plan is a community service and work based preparation for older workers. It is portion of the Older American Act and it provides subsidised portion clip, community service work based on developing for low income people age 55 and older. Program participants work an norm of 20 hours a hebdomad and are paid minimal pay. Placement locations can include twenty-four hours attention centres, senior centres, schools and infirmaries. There are other services available through senior community service employment plan to help the older worker. Participants are offered services that allow the client to hold an single employment program created orientation, community service preparation, one-year physicals and aid in procuring unsubsidized employment. To be eligible for this plan the client must be at least 55 and non hold earned more than 25 per centum over the federal poorness deg ree in income. Employment precedence is given to people over 60, veterans and qualified partners of veterans. Preference is given to minority, limited English speech production, and Indian eligible people. Preference is besides given to those who have the greatest economic demand. Based on engagement records more the 60,000 participants presently enrolled in the plan but as turnover and other occupation arrangements go on, more than 90,000 people will be served. ( Senior resource, 1999-2009 ) Adult twenty-four hours attention centres provide coordinated plans for seniors. Servicess are offered to supply societal and some wellness services to older grownups who need supervised attention in a safe topographic point outside the place during the twenty-four hours. Adult centres are normally unfastened during concern hours five yearss a hebdomad. In some communities, there are some plans offered in the eventide, but a bulk of the plans are during hours where the chief health professional could be at work. Social activities allow the interaction with other members in activities that can run from excursions, games, humanistic disciplines and trades, and exercising. Transportation system is provided and the client is pricked up at place and at the terminal of the twenty-four hours returned place. Meals and bites are provided and if needed can be specialized. Personal attention is provided to clients that need aid with toileting, training, and other personal activities of day-to-d ay life. Harmonizing to the national survey of grownup twenty-four hours services there are 3,400 centres supplying attention to over 150,000 clients a twenty-four hours. (, 2008 )DecisionWhile this is merely a brief overview of the work that the Older American Act does for the aged population, it is proof that the authorities is working difficult to do the concluding old ages on this planet better for everyone. This statute law paves the manner for more plans in the hereafter to assist maintain the aged people safe from injury every bit good as independent and in their ain places for every bit long as possible. The ends of the Older American Act have been carried out through a web of bureaus on all authorities degrees. At a clip when the state is aging, it is of import to see that the best hereafter is created for the aging population.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Assisted Suicide Should Be Option - 1691 Words
Assisted Suicide Should Be Option Lauren Bacall once said, â€Å"A man’s illness is his private territory and, no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you stay an outsider. You are healthy.†This quote makes the point that no one knows exactly what someone with an incurable illness is going through. We are all outsiders. So, who is to say, for example, physician assisted suicide should be illegal? If a person has the constitutional right to live then a person should have the right to choose to die on his own terms. Also, if a person that is terminally ill chooses to opt for assisted suicide, the potential for vital organs to be saved is much greater. As the sickness starts to take over many patients become too ill to do daily activities on their own but, with assisted suicide, the patient can die with dignity knowing that they saved themselves and their family time, money, and also heartbreak. As assisted suicide is discussed among many groups one must also take a look at the alternatives offered. As definition states, assisted suicide is the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease. Assisted suicide originated so that a terminally ill patient could be aided with his/her intentions of suicide.(Webster, 2011) Also to give the patient an opportunity to die on their own terms. Euthanasia also plays a key role in assisted suicide. Euthanasia has to be required by a conscious patient suffering from an irreversible afï ¬â€šiction inducing physical and/orShow MoreRelatedPhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be A Last Option1347 Words  | 6 PagesControlling Your Body: Physician-Assisted Suicide A total of five states: Montana, California, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington, allow for their residents to have a relatively simple way to die before naturally suffering to death with a terminally ill condition. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Analysis Of Hospitality Industry In Mauritius - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2745 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Medicine Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Social Responsibility Essay Did you like this example? 2.1 Definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR has been defined as the duty of the organization to respect individuals rights and promote human welfare in its operations (Manakkalathil and Rudolf, 1995; Oppewal et al., 2006). Businesses not only have the economic responsibility of being profitable and the legal responsibility to follow the laws or ground rules that guide their ability to achieve their economic requirements, but they also have ethical responsibilities that include a range of societal norms, or standards (Carroll, 2000). CSR has been around for more than two decades. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis Of Hospitality Industry In Mauritius" essay for you Create order During the later half of twentieth century there arose the idea of the corporate social contract, which today underlies the CSR concept. Given the sometimes adverse effects of business decision making on society as well as corporate reliance on society, the notion of an implied corporate social contract was conceived by social and economic theorists. This contract spells out societys expectations of business as well as (although much less discussed) businesss expectations of society (Bowie, 1983). There is no single authoritative definition of CSR (ISO COPOLCO, 2002). The CSR agenda seems to be a loosely defined umbrella embracing a vast number of concepts traditionally framed as environmental concerns, public relations, corporate philanthropy, human resource management and community relations. One of the most referred definitions is by World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (1999) that defines CSR as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the continuing commitment by business to beh ave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at largeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. CSR means being a good steward of societys economic and human resources ( Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2001). In summary, CSR entails the obligation stemming from the implicit à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“social contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? between business and society for firms to be responsive to societys long-run needs and wants, optimizing the positive effects and minimizing the negative effects of its actions on society. To synchronize that organizational social responsibility concerns are treated in the same routine manner in which legal, financial, and marketing concerns are addressed, four theories of corporate social responsibility have been advanced in the literature. The four positions are the classical, stakeholder, social demandingness, and social activist theories. The classical theory is the oldest of the four, and is grounded in classical economic theory. Firstly business executives are said to be primarily responsible to the shareholders of the corporation and their primary goal is to promote efficiency and secure effective economic performance. Secondly managers are said to be responsible to respond to the shareholders demands. These views are often thought to coincide with each other, because it is usually assumed that the main demand of shareholders is to maximize economic performance. In addition, both versions agree that managers are to perform their corporate function according to the laws and, thus, to avoid such things as fraud and deception. Friedman (1970), points out à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Here the businessman self-selected or appointed directly or indirectly by stockholders is to be simultaneously legislator, executive, or juristà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦He becomes in effect a public employee, a civil servant, even though he remains in name an employee of a private enter prise.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? This theory, albeit the oldest of the four theories, is still well and alive; it has many supporters and proponents among academicians and practitioners. The second theory is the stakeholder theory which integrates the main idea of classical theory, that is, corporate executives are responsible to stockholders. Nevertheless, what differs it from classical theory is that other groups are directly affected by the conduct and decision of the firm. These groups can employees, consumers, creditors, suppliers, and legal sub-systems who have a stake in the organisation and who might affect, in one way or another, the corporate decision making process. Furthermore, corporate executives have a direct responsibility to promote the interests of these groups. The main disagreement among stakeholder theorists, however, over whether stakeholder interests of these groups take precedence over the financial interests of stockholders or the stakeholder interests are the overridi ng ones. Social demandingness theorists argue that corporations have a responsibility to protect and promote certain interests of the general public. They agree with the stakeholder theorists that the interests of stakeholder groups are important, but they believe that these interests do not override non-stakeholdersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ interests or demands for such things as safety, health, freedom, and prosperity. As with the stakeholder theory, this theory repudiates the notion that there is some balanced or sensible list of tangible responsibilities that corporate executives always have toward society. The list varies as the nature and ranking of the interests or demands of the public change. The fourth and final theory is the social activist theory which is distinctively the most socially and morally demanding of the four theories. While agreeing with the stakeholders and social demandingness theories that executives have responsibilities toward stakeholders groups and the general public, social activistsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ theorists argue that corporate managers should sometimes strive to undertake projects that advance the interests of the public even when these undertakings are neither expected nor demanded by them. Social activists theorists contend that such projects should, for the most part, be in the area of corporate know-how, but they sometimes urge that executives deliberately take on social projects for which they have no special training or expertise 2.1 Types of CSR and Corporate Governance The notion that business has duties to society is firmly entrenched, although in the past several decades there has been a revolution in the way people view the relationship between business and society. Carroll (1979) and other researchers believe that we should judge corporations not just on their economic success, but also on non-economic criteria. Carroll (1979) proposed a popular four-part definition of CSR, suggesting that corporations have four responsibilities or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“four facesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Carroll, 2000b, p. 187) to fulfill to be good corporate citizens: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic: Economic responsibility. Economic responsibility is to be profitable for principals, by delivering a good quality product, at a fair price, is due to customers. Legal responsibilities. Legal duties entail complying with the law and playing by the rules of the game Ethical responsibilities. Ethical duties overcome the limitations of legal duties. They entail b eing moral, doing what is right, just, and fair; respecting peoples moral rights; and avoiding harm or social injury as well as preventing harm caused by others (Smith and Quelch, 1993). Philanthropic responsibility. Interest in doing good for society, regardless of its impact on the bottom line is what is called altruistic, humanitarian or philanthropic CSR. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“giving backà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? time and money in the forms of voluntary service, voluntary association and voluntary giving à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" is where most of the controversy over the legitimacy of CSR lies. CORPORATE GOUVERNANCE (CG) Moreover, CSR is closely linked with the Corporate Governance of the organization, be it hotel organization. Any of those types of CSR should start in the hotel organizations first and then move to external environment. The key people should be taken into consideration so the CSR practices should be geared towards the internal customers who will in turn become CSR delegates to reach the external customers and environment. Companies must improve their business models by bringing CSR and sustainability into their strategy. Shleifer and Vishny (1997) define CG as the ways in which suppliers of finance to organisations assure themselves of getting a return on investment. Over the years, CG has evolved from the traditional à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“profit-centered modelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. By incorporating the community in which firms operate, the political environment, laws and regulations, and more generally the markets in which firms are involved. See Figure 1: The Business in Society which reflec ts a stakeholder perspective on the firm (Jensen, 2001) 2.1The Hospitality Industry à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Definitions Definitions of the hospitality have been approached from a number of different perspectives. Most of them combine physiological and psychological elements with security and levels of service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Hospitality is concerned with the provision of physiological and psychological comfort with defined levels of service. The satisfactions may be physiological (thirst, bed, warmth), economic (value for money), social (company, service) and psychological (self-esteem, status, security).à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Source: C.Cooper, R.Shepherd, J. Westlake (1994) Even if the approach to defining hospitality may shift according to the authors, there are a number of integral elements that are common to all. These are: Hospitality is a complex combination of tangible and intangible features and benefits Hospitality involves a satisfying interaction between the service provider and the customer Hospitality provides guests with security, psychological and physiological comfort by offering food, beverage and accommodation. Therefore, bearing in mind the above characteristics, a simpler definition of the hospitality industry may be: The Hospitality Industry is involved with providing accommodations, food, beverage, entertainment, comfort and recreation for travelers away from their usual residences and normal surroundings. The industry also naturally look forward to meet the customer`s needs for safety and support of their persons, property, modes of transportation, and even the varying purpose of their travel. Speaking generally, those who make use of hospitality services demand attainment of a professional level of quality consistent with world standards, although perhaps adjusted for local conditions. They anticipate the facilities will be clean, comfortable, safe and secure. They expect good food and beverage at a reasonable rate. Furthermore, they look for courtesy, friendliness, respect and identification from the host. Perhaps more importantly they demand honesty, truth and equity in t heir dealings with the operator and his employees. Hospitality Industry In Mauritius HISTORICAL BACKGROUND In Mauritius, the first hotel was the Park Hotel in 1952 so as to accommodate the crew members coming at that time. Then came the Mauritius Hotel, the first beach hotel, built in 1954 at Le Morne followed by Le Chaland, another beach hotel in 1961. But the real development of tourism took place soon after Mauritius got its independence from the British. In early 1970`s the creation of Trou aux Biches Hotel by the Mauritius Hotels, the setting up of the Club MeditÃÆ' ©ranÃÆ' ©e and the Saint GÃÆ' ©ran Hotel by the Southern Sun Hotels as well as the Merville Beach Hotel by the ex-British Colons who wanted to come back here during the winter months of England. The Mauritius Hotel is now the Beachcomber group and the Southern Sun Hotels is the Sun International Resorts Limited. At present there are 95 hotels in Mauritius and there are not less than 5 more under construction as per the registered list set by the Ministry of Tourism. The numbers of hotels, rooms and bed place s have increased constantly from 1991. Moreover the Prime Minister has announced his vision to reach 2 million tourists in 2015. Consequently an average annual growth of 10% in tourist arrival is expected. In order to reach this target, an approximate number of 18500 rooms should be made available. This will bring about the creation of around 37000 direct jobs and double the amount in terms of indirect jobs. Due to the rapid growth of tourism and hospitality industry, government has introduced incentives for the private sector to bring in a sustainable development, namely by corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. This is achievable through proper public-private sector partnership. Overview of the Hotel industry IN MAURITIUS The hospitality industry in Mauritius has developed rapidly during the past 25 years. The coastal regions as well as the interior part of the island are constantly changing with the construction of the hotels and the increasing number of vehicles being used for the tourism industry. In 2007, the tourism industry was considered the third pillar of the economy after Sugar and Textile, and currently it plays a vital role in the economic growth of the country. The undoubted fall of 35% in the price of sugar and the removal of preference agreement with the EU market, has earmarked the tourism industry as the main industry capable of boosting the Mauritian economy. In July 2008, according to the last bulletin published by the Central Statistical Office (CSO), Mauritius welcomed 81,169 tourists as compared to 77,225 in 2007, registering a 5.1% growth over the same period a year ago. Table 1: Monthly tourist arrivals, July 2007 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" July 2008 Source:Tourism sector performance for the month of July, AHRIM Report, August 2008, pg 2 But after two decades of impressive growth, the need for responsible corporate governance has been felt in the country as the attitudes; mentality and knowledge of thos e working in that industry have not evolved at the same pace in terms of social responsibility and environmental awareness. Impacts of this rapid and somehow unplanned development are being experienced in the environment at large. Still, a lot has to be done to meet the competitive edge through proper campaign and involvement of all stakeholders so as to contribute towards sustainable development of the hospitality sector. In order to support its continuous growth, the Mauritian Tourism and Hospitality industry needs well-trained staff with full knowledge of their product while respecting the socio-economic and cultural environment in which the Mauritian tourism product is evolving. It is really important to maintain a high standard of efficiency and service so as to meet the requirements of an increasingly competitive and sophisticated global market. 2.7 CSR in the hotel industry In Mauritius Within the hospitality industry it has been agreed that there are increasing environmental and societal concerns. The big question is how to manage our environmental impact as demand grows against a backdrop of increasing vulnerability. As a result of demand for more sustainable destinations and travel preferences, management policies are being felt. Hotels practicing CSR look at the following areas: Workplace (where employees are treated equally and fairly) Marketplace (stakeholders) Environment (which has to be sustained for the future generation) Community Ethics Human rights Many hotels are now aware of CSR practices and have begun to use environmental-friendly products. Hotels in Mauritius are reducing the use of hazardous or non-degradable chemicals. Big hotel chains like Oberoi Mauritius recycle oil, water and plastic bottles while all hotels with more than 50 rooms are compel to recycle water as per the legislation. Hotels tend to purchase products t hat have a reduced environmental impact during their life cycle, from suppliers that demonstrate environmental and social responsibility to their customers and the society. Furthermore, Association des Hoteliers et Restaurateurs de L`Ile Maurice (AHRIM), is fully supporting the CSR initiatives initiated by the Mauritian Government. Through its members, they are actively putting forward the CSR activities on a regional basis all over the island. (See Appendix 1: Recommended CSR activities by AHRIM to its Members in June 2008). Stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, business partners, government) are getting more and more involved the hotelsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ CSR activities. Hotel employees are educated to make a conscious decision in favour of environment and social issues in their private and business lives. Hotel guests are informed about CSR activities and are asked to participate in responsible business activities within the hotels and to work together to find innovative solutions that satisfy the hotelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic, environmental and social objectives. Managers are asked to abide by local and EU legislation especially on labour laws, health and safety, human rights and the environment. A great deal can be done when developing a hotel property in order to make both the development process and the eventual operation more environmentally sustainable. One of the aims of CSR is to make the community benefit from the hotel industry. 2.8 Benefits of CSR in the hotel industry Hotels who adopt CSR into their operations and public image depend on the following factors: Size Level of diversification Research and Development Advertising Government Intervention Consumer Income Labour market conditions Stage of the industry life cycle However this differs for different hotel organization, for example, larger hotels like international hotel chains may operate a CSR program at a lower cost than a small hotel because of economies of scale. It is a method for organization to distinguish themselves from their competitors Firstly, hotels benefit from CSR as it helps to reduce operating cost such as implementing of recycling and energy saving programs. Secondly, their brand image and reputation are enhanced as consumers prefer companies with CSR programs. Another benefit derived by hotels is in terms of productivity and quality since productivity goes up whenever working conditions improve. Other beneficiaries of the CSR programs are immediate environment in which the company is evolving. It comprises of the local community, neighboring villages, employees who usually live in those areas, the hotel guests and the host country at large. Hotels are expected to have ethical and social commitments, valued connections with partners and consistency over time to build trust with the stakeholders. In doing so, the hotel organizations are also developing societal marketing concept, therefore beneficiate from it.
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